Unity co-founder Myrtle Fillmore said we exist to express God. In her “First Lesson in Christian Science,” she said, “We are Creation. We exist or show forth our Creator. Exist means to show forth.”

One of the best ways to express God is to be an expression of love in the world. When most people think of spreading love on the planet, they think of acts of service. While acts of service are an important way to show love, it’s also important to show gratitude and appreciation to loved ones who are already in our lives—whether they are significant others, children, siblings, parents, friends, or relatives.

Here are four ways to show appreciation to the people you love:

1. Tell Them You Appreciate Them

This seems so obvious, but how many of us frequently express how much we love and appreciate the ones we love? This works as well with a partner as it does with a cousin you haven’t talked to in years. Send a quick text message to a friend or write an elaborate love letter to your spouse. You could even consider sending snail mail birthday cards to extended family and friends to show them you are thinking of them. Frequently telling someone you appreciate them can work wonders for the depth of your relationships.

2. Be Helpful Often

This is easier to do with someone you live with, such as a romantic partner or roommate. Some simple ideas could be cleaning the house, cooking a nice meal, or offering to do some household chores. Other ideas include helping a grandparent or neighbor with grocery shopping or driving them to appointments. Help a friend by babysitting their children so they can have a much-needed date night with their significant other. If you look for opportunities to help your loved ones, they will appear.

3. Create an Atmosphere of Appreciation

Create a warm, loving home environment for your partner and your immediate family by placing photos around the house to remind you of happy times. Create opportunities for joyous family time at home with movie or game nights. For spouses, you may also want to remind each other of your marriage commitment by hanging a marriage blessing tapestry in a place where you both will see it frequently. Filling your home with words and affirmations that remind you of your love will ground your relationship in respect and friendship.

4. Create Surprises or Give Gifts

It can be extremely meaningful to buy concert tickets for a friend’s favorite band, a necklace for a spouse, or a special dinner for your parents. However, it can sometimes be just as meaningful to make a gift—create a scrapbook, build a playlist, or even bake a homemade treat. It can also be a delightful gift to surprise a loved one with a spontaneous evening out.

These are just some suggestions for showing more appreciation to your loved ones every day. Showing your affection and admiration for others will not only warm their lives but will also warm your heart. We can all do with a little more love in our lives.

About the Author

Sara Crawford is a digital content specialist at Unity World Headquarters. She is also a playwright and the author of Time After Time as well as The Muse Chronicles trilogy. For more information, please see saracrawford.net.

Sara Crawford


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