When we “give wastefully,” we reflect our abundant lives and gratitude

Living your life knowing you have plenty changes everything.

When you make decisions from a palpable understanding of sufficiency and the infinite reservoir available to you, you can choose to act from a place of power.

Living in the knowledge that you have more than enough should be the natural result of your gratitude practice. Try making a list of the things you are grateful for each day, and text them to a friend or partner. After a week, notice whether something has shifted in you.

It has been my experience that the more I recognize and feel grateful for the bounty of good things in my life, the more I know how genuinely abundant I am.

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Several years ago, I started using a phrase, “Love wastefully.” I enjoy it because it is purposefully provocative.

You cannot deplete your reservoir of love. The more you give, the more love you have.

Even if the people whom we shower with love or affection do not return it, we are better for loving, and we know love will come back to us from another channel.

I have noticed, however, if you replace the word love with another kind of action—donate, share, serve, or give wastefully—the reaction to the statement is quite different.

We often say, “No! There is not enough. I have to be a good steward of my money, my time, and my resources or they will run out, and I will suffer.”

It’s as if God won’t provide us with more or might punish us for giving too much! All of a sudden, a punitive and withholding God is in charge, not the source of love and abundance we affirm.

I want to be clear: Taking care of our own needs is essential. If we deplete ourselves, there is nothing more to give.

But if I say, “Share wastefully,” my guess is you might think if you share without careful discernment, you won’t have enough.

I sometimes hear this from people who have given food or money to the homeless. They complain about how the homeless might have used the gift or whether they were sufficiently gratefully for it.

To me, this illustrates that our fear of lack even extends to the ways other people use our gifts.

Let Go of Your Fear of Lack: We Are All Complete

We worry that there is not enough money in our bank account; there is not enough time; or we don’t have enough talent, brains, or energy to make it in this world.

The truth of life is that it is all perfect, whole, and complete. The one power consistently provides the health, resources, wisdom, and opportunities for you to live a joy-filled, abundant life. Whatever you need comes to you in the right time, space, and sequence.

Just look back at all the times when you might have felt scared and hopeless. Did you make it through them? Did they work out? For me, those dark nights of the soul led to some of the brightest and happiest days I have ever known.

Therefore, you can love wastefullygive abundantlyshare with abandon, and serve tirelessly, because the more you give, the more you receive.

You have more than enough—you have plenty!

A Prayer of Plenty

In the infinity of this moment, all is perfect, whole, and complete.

The one power, the one presence, expresses in me every moment of every day.

I open my heart to the wisdom and intelligence that exists in the Universe and in my mind.

From the one power come all answers, resources, opportunities, solutions, creativity, and all healing.

I release all doubt.

I trust that what I need is showered upon me and rises within me at the right time and place and in the correct sequence.

I know divine order is always unfolding for my highest good, and all is well in my world.

About the Author

Rev. Ken Daigle (he, him) is the senior minister at Unity San Francisco, California.


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