The Zen Executive: Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership is a pithy, portable book with commonsense ideas for aligning business practices with ancient spiritual principles—and winner of multiple book awards.

From author and CEO Jim Blake, business leaders will learn how to incorporate spiritual-but-not-religious teachings into their leadership style, and spiritual leaders will find that taking a businesslike approach to their work does not exclude compassion, love, and service.

“As I studied world religions and ancient teachings from around the globe, I began to see how easily their beauty and truth could be incorporated in—even function in alignment with—best business practices,” Blake writes.

Blake has held executive positions in corporate America and is now CEO of Unity World Headquarters, a global spiritual nonprofit. He makes a convincing case that meditation, forgiveness, and self-care can enhance a leader’s performance at work. From a spiritual foundation, leaders can also understand the true calling of an organization, establish a culture of trust, and handle inevitable changes without resistance.

Here in one place are gems of wisdom for navigating the business world from a higher perspective to boost innovation and creativity in any endeavor.

The Zen Executive

  • Nautilus Book Award in Business and Leadership
  • Hermes Creative Award, platinum for all books
  • Independent Press Award in Business: Motivational
  • Living Now Book Award in Personal Growth
  • Next Generation Indie Book Award in Spirituality


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