When he was 94 years old, Charles Fillmore wrote the following affirmation: 

“I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me.” 

How wonderful to affirm such energy and vibrancy!

Affirmative prayer is a useful tool for focusing our thoughts on the truth that we are spiritual beings, filled with vibrant energy and renewing life. We, too, can use this tool in our daily lives. When we pray affirmatively about a health challenge, we are recognizing the life of God within.

The act of affirmation can be thought of as “the mental movement that asserts confidently and persistently the Truth of Being in the face of all appearances to the contrary.” As we pray affirmatively, we assert our confidence in God's healing power within our minds and bodies. We affirm daily, even momently, that we are one with God and that the life of God is flowing freely within us.

Affirmations can be used anytime we feel the need to focus our thoughts on God and become aware of the strength and health that are inherent within the body temple.

If we desire increased energy, we can affirm: I am energized through the healing life of God within me.

If we are concerned about a loved one, we can affirm: You are healed and strengthened through God's healing life within.

Or if we want to become more spiritually attuned to the healing activity of God within every part of the body temple, we can use an affirmation such as: I am one with God. The healing life of God within me gives me strength, heals my body temple, and brings me peace.

Each time we pray positively and faithfully, we are calling forth the divine activity that is always within us.

By affirming life within, we are allowing the healing activity of God to flow freely and to do its healing, revitalizing work.

How do we learn to use affirmative prayer in our daily lives? Through persistence and faith. Our faith guides us to use positive statements that instill a sense of peace and an awareness of the rejuvenation process. The more we use the tool of affirmative prayer, the more conscious we become of God's loving presence in our lives and of the healing activity of God at work. By attuning ourselves mentally and spiritually to divine life within, we bless ourselves and those for whom we pray.

As we affirm the activity of God in our minds and bodies, we also use the tool of denial to eliminate fear, apprehension, or doubt. A denial is a form of release, a cleansing away of obstruction. We do not deny the negative condition; we deny the power it has over us and affirm our ability to overcome it and attain perfect health. A denial helps us disassociate ourselves from any condition that may hinder the flow of God's activity within.

Denials such as: “I release stress or anxiety” and “The appearance of illness has no power over me” are cleansing tools that open the way to God's healing life within. As we deny the negative appearance, we are free to focus our thoughts and prayers on the positive. Through the use of affirmations and denials, we pave the way for perfect health to become manifest.

As you pray, remember that you were created to be healthy and strong.

Affirm this truth, become aware of your oneness with God, and be enthusiastic about the healing that is taking place within your mind and body. “Spring forth with a mighty faith” today to do all that you are capable of doing and be all that you were created to be.


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