Well into midlife, I've finally discovered that the law of attraction means living in the love vibration. Not only is this the law of attraction, it is the law of life. If we want good to manifest for us, we must commit ourselves to feeling good, being good, doing good. Good is God expressing through us.

When we live in the love vibration, our energy resonates at a high frequency and we express the God-qualities of compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, respect, generosity, joy, peace—all that inspires, empowers, and enhances life. The love vibration lifts us to a higher state of consciousness and frees us of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that minimize and victimize us.

Keeping Our Ego in Check

Gone are any neurotic fear, guilt, judgment, greed, envy, arrogance, and the ego's stubborn need to be right. “Vexations of the spirit” lose their power over us. Free from the baggage of negativity and limited thinking, we begin to feel lighter and shine brighter. We become the magnet attracting our good.

Living in the love vibration may be a simple concept to understand, but it can be our most difficult challenge. Living in the love vibration means keeping our ego/personality in check as we relate to people and circumstances from “the high watch,” our soul-self.

Our ego easily indulges in the dramas of life. We invest emotional and physical energy in advancing the ego through superiority, security, and status.

Our soul-self is the wise, detached participant-observer. It experiences life but is not consumed by it. It recognizes life as the unfolding of a divine plan, the evolving of Spirit within form. The soul-self trusts that “all things work together for good.”

Embracing Wholeness

When we live in the love vibration, we know that all aspects of life are connected and that we each have the potential—indeed, the responsibility—to become whole. To clarify: Connection means that every presence on this planet (human, animal, plant, mineral) is a unique expression of God and that we are all interdependent. There is no separation ... we are all cells of the living God, and what affects one, affects us all.

Wholeness, on the other hand, means being complete as an individual and in harmony and balance at all levels of our being—body, mind, and spirit. To be whole means to gather up and heal our fragmented pieces—the parts of ourselves that are disconnected from Spirit. Our brokenness is often due to feelings of unworthiness and pain from the past. Living in the love vibration keeps us focused in the present moment, connected and at one with ourselves and all there is.

Some people are born with a high love vibration, and others are fortunate to grow up in it. Most of us, however, have considerable overcoming to do in order to fully experience it. This overcoming is the process of personal transformation or the process of becoming connected and whole.

Embracing Love

Living in the love vibration is our birthright and directs the unfolding of our life's passion. It sets the intention for every day, the agenda for every interaction, the prescription for every ill, and the expectation for every circumstance.

In this state of being, we are heart-centered in thought, word, and deed. We project the high frequency of love and light, and it returns to us. This is the law of attraction.

Because the love vibration requires our ego personality to surrender to the soul-self, we get out of our own way. Our path is cleared. We encounter people and situations that inspire us and guide us toward the fulfillment of our potential and passion. We are in the flow of life. Our role shifts from reactor to cocreator. We are empowered.

You know when you're living in the love vibration because you can feel it. It feels like a natural high. It is a feeling of connection, of wholeness, of lightness and expansion. Meditation, miracles of nature, emotional ecstasy, and places of awesome beauty can give us similar feelings of bliss.

Living in the love vibration is our birthright and directs the unfolding of our life's passion. It sets the intention for every day, the agenda for every interaction, the prescription for every ill, and the expectation for every circumstance.

Committing to the Love Vibration

To continually live in the love vibration takes considerable commitment and vigilance. It is all too easy to regress into fear, judgment, or self-righteousness. No matter how spiritual we think we are, we are still having the human experience of trials and tribulations, progress and relapse.

And it's all right. We don't have to deny or condemn our human vulnerabilities. The goal is to be positive and let the intelligence of our heart guide us.

Prayer, meditation, inspirational readings, and service to others are all excellent ways to attract connection, wholeness, and love. Other strategies include:

  • Seeking the good in everyone and everything.
  • Bringing trust to adversity.
  • Being grateful for all that we have.
  • Taking the high road in any conflicted situation or relationship.
  • Creating a sacred space of peace and beauty in which to renew.
  • Caring for living things.

Love is the elixir for joy and the antidote to pain. Love fuels the fire of our passion. Love lifts us from our limitations to our potential. Love transcends time and space. Love transmutes differences and prejudices. Love heals. Love is the vibration of Spirit, the song of the Universe. Love is the alpha and the omega.

Learning to live in the love vibration is why we are here. It is our individual and collective purpose. It is the secret of life that is hiding in plain view. When we live in the love vibration, we graduate this life with honors.


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