In their hearts, young people know they can make a difference.

Today we are setting an intention for friendships, purpose, and sharing our inner light.

Due to the pandemic, many children have been separated from some of their family members and friends. They have had to learn to navigate the world of friendship and relationships in a new way, sometimes making them feel lonely and isolated.

The way children experience time makes the hours, the days, the weeks, and the months seem long and daunting. Because we want them to feel loved, purposeful, and reassured, we want to let them know their opinions and ideas matter and they are indeed agents for change.

We offer prayers for children to shine their radiant light.

We can help them see the uniqueness of the light within them.

We can also promote their self-love by helping them identify what makes them happy. In spite of all the chaos being experienced in the world for more than a year, we read and hear about how young people have stepped up to help others.

At age 3, Ryan Hickman of San Juan Capistrano, California, had an epiphany when his dad took him to a recycling facility. “Recycling helps the earth, people, plants, animals, and other living things,” Ryan said. “It’s very easy to recycle. You just have to grab a bottle, and toss it in the correct bin. Boom.” Now 11, he has his own organization, Ryan’s Recycling Company, in Orange County, California.

Today we set an intention for letting the inner light glow.

It is with this in mind that we offer prayers for children to shine their radiant light. Included below are three spiritual tools for you:

  • A private blessing for the child or children in your life
  • A prayer to share together
  • An affirmation for them to keep and use

In their hearts, young people know they can make a difference. We can support them by helping them discover areas in which they feel called to serve and serve happily.

As we strive to support them, we can ask them what makes their hearts happy or what makes their hearts sad. Rather than asking, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” help them discover their innate talents and passions.

A Prayer for the Inner Light for My Beloved Child and All Children

Let’s pause for a moment to remember how we felt as children when someone acknowledged we could contribute to our world just by being who we are. Now we bring to mind and heart the children and young people in our lives; we enfold them with a light that is bright in nature and sacred by design. We affirm possibilities for growth and happiness for them as they proceed, joyfully and undeterred, to realize their intentions and dreams.

A Shared Family Prayer for Inner Light

It is written in our hearts. We all acknowledge that we can make a difference. I support the children and young people in my life as they discover their gifts, their light, and the areas in which they are called to shine.

During the summer, carefree days, our light is bright like the sun; we are kind and warm. When it is rainy and cloudy, we become rainbows, joyful as we share our uniqueness and adorn the sky with vibrant colors. When it is gloomy and dark, we unite like a string of lights, finding comfort in each other’s hearts.

With our inner divine light, any differences fade and we shine brightly to reveal our true identity and sacred connection with all.

It is so reassuring to know that the light of God is within us and shining always. We are open and willing to be the light that Jesus said we are. Amen.

Together we affirm the light within us:

Did you know? All children are welcome to pray with Unity Prayer Ministry associates.

Call for Prayer:


Write for Prayer:

Unity Prayer Ministry
1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

About the Author

Rev. Adriana Segovia has retired from Unity World Headquarters after more than 30 years as Spanish editor and strategist for La Palabra Diaria and more. She was ordained by Unity in 2002 and has an M.B.A. from Baker University.

Headshot Rev. Adriana Segovia, Pink Shirt


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