Our Oldest Magazine Is Transformed

Beginning this summer, Unity Magazine® will be combined with Spirituality & Health magazine, which was purchased by Unity on January 1.

The well-known Spirituality & Health has been in publication for 25 years. Its readers are similar to those of Unity Magazine and share the same interests in exploring the mind-body connection and deepening their spiritual journey.

The first combined issue will be July/August 2024 and will be named Spirituality & Health: A Unity Publication. The bimonthly magazine will remain in print for the foreseeable future—still delivered to your door—and we are also developing a beautiful new digital version.

Readers will find the same trustworthy, high-quality content they are accustomed to from both magazines, including favorite columns and features that introduce them to new ideas and spiritual tools along with health and wellness practices.

Subscribers to either magazine need do nothing. You will automatically receive the new combined magazine in the print or digital form (or both) you have already subscribed to. Watch for Spirituality & Health: A Unity Publication to arrive in June.

If you haven’t subscribed but would like to, visit the Unity Magazine subscription page. Your subscription will automatically be switched to the new version later this year.

Questions may be directed to Customer Care at Unity: 816-251-3561 or 1-800-248-6489 or email [email protected].

Why Change the Unity Name?

Changing the name of Unity Magazine is not a decision taken lightly by Unity. It was the original magazine created by founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889 and marked the beginning of the Unity spiritual movement. First called Modern Thought, the magazine has been published under the name Unity since 1891. (The Unity publication Daily Word® came along in 1924.)

Unity Magazine is about more than the Unity movement. The Fillmores explored a wide array of spiritual ideas and practices, just as Unity Magazine does today. Its readers identify as spiritual but not religious and may or may not be familiar with Unity.

Unity Magazine offers inspiration and spiritual tools to keep readers nourished in mind, body, and spirit. In other words, it helps them develop and enhance their spirituality and their health. So adopting the name Spirituality & Health seemed a perfect fit. The tagline “A Unity Publication” will be prominent with the magazine title.

What Will Be Different?

The Spirituality & Health magazine staff has joined the award-winning Unity team to produce the new magazine with their combined expertise and flair. They will also help maintain the Spirituality & Health website, social media, and email newsletters, which will begin to feature the combined spirituality and health content.

Readers of both magazines will benefit from the new aggregate. Those who have been reading Unity Magazine may notice a greater focus on wellness, the body, and relationships. Those accustomed to Spirituality & Health may continue to explore in-depth teachings about spiritual principles that are the foundation of the world’s major faiths.

Certain design changes may be evident on the pages of the magazine as styles are combined.

Some of Unity Magazine’s regular columns about Unity or Unity Village will move to the Unity.org website. But the magazine’s emphasis on spiritual principles aligned with Unity will remain, including inspiring stories about spiritual awakenings, in-depth profiles of prominent spiritual leaders, and metaphysical Bible interpretations. Spirituality & Health readers will recognize their own favorite writers, including Rabbi Rami Shapiro, with an emphasis on health and wellness in its many forms.

On the Digital Side

The spiritualityhealth.com website is a rich resource for articles about wellness, the future of medicine, therapy, and spiritual practices. Subscribers may also access 25 years of archived S&H magazines. This will remain the primary site for the combined magazine as new categories are introduced.

Find even more from the magazine @spirithealthmag on Facebook and Instagram.

We at Unity World Headquarters are delighted to be taking our 135-year-old magazine into a new era, combining it with the excellent Spirituality & Health.


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