Hold on to hope in the face of uncertainty with these affirmations for maintaining faith.

In the midst of uncertain circumstances or tumultuous times, it’s easy to have our faith shaken by worries and anxieties—from the stress of current events to prayers that seemingly go unanswered.

To maintain hope and faith, however, is not to simply believe that God will make things better or that everything will resolve itself. Rather, having faith means knowing that every situation in life has meaning that can bring gifts and miracles. Faith provides the power to shift possibilities into realities.

If the opposite of fear is faith, then the opposite of uncertainty is not so much certainty as it is presence.

In The Quest for Wholeness, Robert Brumet discusses faith as being fundamental to human nature and intrinsic within our minds. He further asserts that the inverse of faith is fear; in other words, “Fear is faith turned inside out.” Despite feeling fearful or doubtful at times, we can always find faith operating in the background of our consciousness.

There’s a full range of reasons we might experience fear, despair, and skepticism in today’s world. But by holding on to the hope we do have, then affirming it to ourselves, we can each do our part to build a stronger foundation of collective faith.

Ten Helpful Affirmations for Having Hope

Find a sense of serenity and calmness in these affirmations to have hope and keep faith in the face of uncertainty.

  • Faith blesses my day and paves my way.
  • My faith assures me that every event in my life has meaning and brings gifts.
  • With faith in God, I act with ease and confidence.
  • In faith, I focus on the good I know is present, even when I can’t see it yet.
  • Guided intuitively with faith, I trust my inner wisdom that all is well.
  • Just for today, I am safe, healthy, grateful, and worry-free.
  • I am more resilient than I realize.
  • I bring attention to my breath instead of ruminating on outcomes.
  • I surrender control and resistance to my emotions about any situation.
  • I have faith I can handle whatever comes my way, even when the future feels uncertain.

Faith frees us and propels us forward through the spiritual snags caused by fear and uncertainty. If the opposite of fear is faith, then the opposite of uncertainty is not so much certainty as it is presence—that is, being open to the inherent good that surrounds us right now, despite trying circumstances. To affirm faith is, in part, to accept uncertainty as a reality, which equips us to face the present moment more centered and confidently.

About the Author

Jessica Heim-Brouwer has a degree in magazine journalism from the University of Missouri.

Jessica Heim-Brouwer


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