"The mark of any great teacher lies in the ability to inspire his or her students to realize their own divine potential."

Practical Christianity as taught and practiced in Unity has been described as “the teachings of Jesus Christ applied to everyday life.” During his brief ministry, Jesus taught eternal values that still serve today as a practical guide for living. His timeless instructions offer helpful insight for any situation that might confront us. 


In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus counseled his listeners about worry. He advised: “Do not worry about your life ... Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? ... Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow” (Mt. 6:25, 27, 32-34). 

Jesus knew that worry saps the energy of even the strongest person. For example, our economic worries can often seem overwhelming. Most of us have, at some time, been distressed about the lack of a job or job security as well as about rising debts, future retirement, or the need for financial support for ourselves or others. 

Yet Jesus promised that God can be trusted to furnish what we need.

Perhaps we will not receive everything we want, but God always supplies what we need.

Jesus told us not to worry about things, such as food, drink, and clothes. He also gave us the secret to not letting worry consume our thoughts and immobilize us so that we fail to take positive action to improve our lives. He did this by reminding us to be free of anxiety about tomorrow—simply to live one day at a time. 


Many people live in a world beset with critical voices. Surrounded by so much criticism in the media and in our daily lives, we allow conflict to become a way of life. Jesus focused on the negative results that come when we dwell on tearing down other people. 

Again, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave us a wise bit of practical advice: “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged” (Mt. 7:1). Or do not criticize and you will not set yourself up to be criticized in turn. Jesus taught us to first focus on our own shortcomings before we take the inventory of others. By honestly assessing our own lives, we often find the traits we dislike in others mirrored in ourselves. Accepting our own humanness brings us a less judgmental attitude toward others. 


We make dozens of decisions every day. In his teachings, Jesus used parables, miracles, precepts, and actions to give us clear direction on how to shape our daily choices.

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the younger son disregarded his father’s authority. He took his share of the family wealth and left home. Soon his money was gone. Poor choices had caused him to hit bottom—a reality that many of us may confront at some point in our lives. Yet the pain that comes with bad decisions often acts as a catalyst for change, and in this parable the son decided to return home and admit his failings. The father faced a decision when he saw his son approaching. He could have turned him away with an “I told you so!” Instead, he rushed out to greet his son with a kiss and warm embrace. The father’s choice demonstrated love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and understanding. 

In considering the daily decisions that influence our lives, choosing these everlasting values can help keep us on track. As we set about to consciously apply the concept of practical Christianity to making choices, we first turn to the presence of God that dwells within each of us.

When we go to God in prayer and meditation, we discover the divine guidance that lights the path to a correct and beneficial decision. 


Today’s hectic pace of life has produced a high stress level that touches almost every person. Stress can produce serious health problems and personal unhappiness. 

Jesus Christ also faced incredible stress. He dealt with ridicule, rejection, and misunderstanding by his closest friends. He endured persecution, trial, and crucifixion. How was he able to cope and move forward with an incomparable mission that would forever shape and uplift humankind? 

Jesus knew who he was. He was confident of his divine assignment. He believed in his role as teacher, healer, comforter, Way Shower, and instrument of God’s grace. Although he was in a stressful world, he was not of it. He was able to detach himself from the pressures and personalities around him and focus on his true destiny. In John 10:30, Jesus said, “The Father and I are one.” He sought always to dwell in a consciousness of pure harmony with Spirit, and in this state of oneness with God, the stress of human life was powerless to deter him from his mission. 

By constantly affirming God’s presence and power in our lives, we, too, can experience “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”.

(Phil. 4:7)


Almost all of us have taken a deep breath or said a prayer before receiving the results of a medical examination or test. What pragmatic advice do Jesus’ teachings offer us about our health concerns? 

Jesus Christ sought to attune us to the healing power within. He taught that the true source of all healing flows from God. He demonstrated his divine power by raising people from sickness and death. Jesus brought the light and love of God to heal, cure, and bless. 

In healing the man blind from birth, Jesus told the disciples, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (Jn. 9:5). The healing light that shines within us to counter any health problem originates from God. But the mending of our physical minds and bodies can also come from God’s reflection—through doctors, nurses, proper medications, and state-of-the-art medical procedures and technology. When faith and confidence in our divine connection to the source of all life are united with the spiritual power of prayer, any healing is possible. 

Jesus taught his practical methods for living in a loving, direct manner. The mark of any great teacher lies in the ability to inspire his or her students to realize their own divine potential. Jesus Christ succeeded by leaving us a priceless legacy: practical Christianity.

Enjoy this podcast with Rev. Jennifer Hadley Jesus, Man, and Christ

About the Author

Rev. Allen Liles is an author and longtime Unity minister. His new book is called Sitting With God: Meditating for God's Divine Guidance.


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