To help carry you through the year, Unity creates monthly inspirational videos around different themes. Keep up with our new videos or explore and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay inspired with even more content to nourish your soul.


Overcoming Obstacles

Mental Health Awareness


Facing Changes



New Year’s

Native American Month


Labor Day

Back to School

Independence Day


Father’s Day

Memorial Day

Mother’s Day

Earth Day


I honor the accomplishments of remarkable women and find inspiration in their achievements.

We Stand Together

Open to the Divine

I am centered in Spirit, eager to discover all I can do and be.

Beauty and Splendor Surround Me

I witness beauty everywhere, and my life is rich and full.

Change Gracefully

My mind, my heart, and my life are open to change in ways that bring me good.

Step out in Faith

Faith is the anchor that holds me fast, assuring me that good will come to pass.

My Divine Nature Is Life, Health, and Wholeness

How are you creating wellness in your life in partnership with Spirit?

Above All, Love

Above all, love. When all seems lost, let love restore your hope today.

Live Your Dreams

Take a deep breath and connect with your dreams in this meditation.

Stay Centered

In the Silence, I touch the presence of God within and find perfect peace.

Let Go and Let God

I let go and let God work wonders in my life.

Give Thanks

I give thanks for divine love that blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive.


The joy of Spirit is with me always.


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