How the Easter story offers a deeper understanding of our human awakening

The crucifixion and the seven last words spoken by Jesus on the cross are an enlightening blueprint for transformation—for letting go of the past and moving forward into our next level of expansion and consciousness.

Whether you are moving through a major transition, one that feels too enormous to endure, or ... you are simply feeling Spirit within calling you to let go so that you can experience greater life, the story of the crucifixion will guide you on a clear, loving, and perfect path ...

Because the Bible is a study in consciousness and its deeper levels, its stories are a symbol-rich guide for revealing the experiences, situations, and growth challenges that the soul encounters on its journey “back to the Father’s house.”

It represents an evolution of consciousness, from asleep to awake and from awake to enlightened.

In [the Unity] New Testament Interpretation workbook, it says, “The crucifixion itself symbolizes a process of crossing out, or eliminating, that which is no longer needful for our continued unfoldment.

“What has fulfilled its purpose in us must be either lifted to a higher level of expression in consciousness, or let go of completely. Jesus’ crucifixion illustrates both these meanings.”

Crossing out that which no longer serves or supports us feels downright scary!

I know for myself that when I become aware that something is no longer serving me, whether it be a relationship, a job, a way of thinking, or a way of being in the world, my first thought is, “OK, I want to change ... but I also want to take this with me.”

‘Crossing Out’ What No Longer Serves You

What I am really saying is, “I’m willing to change, but don’t change me or anything in my life.” I’m guessing you can relate! Our first impulse is to hold on tighter ...

Our true spiritual evolution is calling us to be happier, more fulfilled, and more on-purpose. So that which doesn’t match our next expansion has to go—or at least change along with us. That brings us to the really uncomfortable part: We don’t know what will fall away in the world of form or what will transform and come with us ... You don’t get to pick and choose what stays and what goes ...

Here’s the deal: The crucifixion of that which is false and fear-based, and the resurrection of your full, authentic, powerful, and God-centered being, is not optional ...

What is guaranteed is that you will neither miss nor want for anything. The God-self within you will have the final say, and there will be a day when you completely and unequivocally trust it. The road to this day can be short, long, or ... lifetimes, but the destination is assured, and the outcome will be more magnificent than you can imagine.

Crucifixion as a Calling to the Higher Self

Remember ... each crucifixion is calling us to be more fully who we are: fully free, fully powerful, and fully faithful that we are always supported and sustained by the love of the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Wholeness).

Every crucifixion, no matter how difficult or seemingly life-shattering, is simply a desire to follow your dreams at all costs. 

Our crucifixion is calling us to surrender, so that we can remember the truth—that within us is the greatest power of all, a divine Being that is eternal and that can never be destroyed or diminished.

This is the main point that Jesus was making in the story of his crucifixion. He was saying, “Look, take my body if you have to. You cannot destroy me. You cannot take life away from me, nor can it be taken away from you!” ...

It’s time to stop playing small and pretending that there’s something great “out there” that is bigger and better than you. It’s time to awaken to the God-self within you so you can cocreate heaven on earth.

There may very well have to be some crucifying of that which no longer serves. So be it. Whether pain is pushing you or a vision is pulling you, let this mystical story be your guide.