Daily Message 2022 Summer 2
Daily Message


There are many ways to seek restoration—in restful sleep, fun times on a vacation, enjoyable hobbies. But the relaxation I

Daily Message 2022 Summer 1
Daily Message


I marvel at my body’s ability to return to health after periods of illness. Feelings of ill health have no

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Daily Message

Let Go, Let God

Trying to remain in control of a changing situation can test the limits of my strength and patience. Sometimes, despite

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Daily Message


Feeling stuck, bored, or tempted to indulge in unhealthy habits is my signal to prioritize self-care. I realize if I

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Daily Message


There are so many ways to define success. I may have grown up thinking it meant worldly achievement and acquiring

Daily Message 2022 Summer 57
Daily Message


Feeling connected to God soothes my heart, heals my soul, and guides my way. This connection gives me the warm

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Daily Message


Magnificence, radiance, and tremendous power—these are awe-inspiring qualities that describe the glory of God. Because I am a living expression

Daily Message 2022 Summer 55
Daily Message


From the ticking of a clock to the movement of molecules, life is in a constant state of motion and

Daily Message 2022 Summer 54
Daily Message


Within the presence of God, I feel the enveloping protection of divine love. This is my safety and my sanctuary

Daily Message 2022 Summer 53
Daily Message


Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore was a lifelong learner, eager to discover more and more about spiritual matters throughout his many

Daily Message 2022 Summer 52
Daily Message


Looking back over the years, I remember kindnesses I received, some from friends and family members and others from acquaintances

Daily Message 2022 Summer 51
Daily Message


How many times have I thought, If only this situation would work out, then I could finally relax? It’s tempting

Daily Message 2022 Summer 50
Daily Message

World Peace

When I learn of difficulties in the world, I hold the high watch. I visualize citizens, leaders, and countries of

Daily Message 2022 Summer 49
Daily Message


I know I am whole, wondrously made, and a unique expression of the Divine. But I cannot truly know wholeness

Daily Message 2022 Summer 48
Daily Message


Forgiveness may feel uncomfortable, especially if it prompts me to revisit hurtful words or actions. Understanding how forgiveness leads to

Daily Message 2022 Summer 47
Daily Message


I plant seeds in good soil and cover them over. I spend the next several days watering them and looking

Daily Message 2022 Summer 46
Daily Message

Travel Blessing

Whether traveling on vacation or for my career or another serious matter, I want for my journeys to be smooth

Daily Message 2022 Summer 45
Daily Message


There may have been times I felt frustrated by my lack of control over external events. I may have wanted

Daily Message 2022 Summer 44
Daily Message


When I consider the vast expanse of the world, I find God in all things—the birds of the air, the

Daily Message 2022 Summer 43
Daily Message


Even during the most trying times, I need never forgo the feeling of deep joy when I remain centered in

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