From the Silent Unity® pamphlet No One … Is Forgotten.


You are God’s beloved creature. God’s healing life, love, and strength are now flooding every cell of your body, making you whole and well.

Missing Animals

You are God’s loving, obedient creature. You are led to your right place quickly and safely.

Mistreated Animals

You are God’s creature. Divine love surrounds, enfolds, and protects you.

Finding a Home

I am divinely guided in finding the right home for you, the home that will foster your well-being, the home where you will contribute happiness and treasured companionship.

Paws of Wisdom Puzzle

Celebrating the spiritual lessons we learn from animals.

The Spiritual Lives of Animals


You are God’s loving, intelligent creature. God’s love protects and blesses you at all times.

Dealing with Loss

You are a beloved creation of God, and I release you into God’s loving care.

I am grateful for the time I shared with this creature who expressed divine love. I open my heart to divine guidance and comfort as I release this beloved animal to God.

A Prayer for Children: Loss of a Pet

Gratitude for Pets

I am grateful for the joy you bring into my life. I learn from you, laugh with you, and love you wholeheartedly. You are a blessing to me.

From the booklet Kindred Spirits: Animals as Spiritual Teachers.


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