1. A Twelve-Power Meditation Exercise - e-Book

    Books & Products

    In A Twelve-Power Meditation Exercise, author Charles Roth provides an easy-to-understand introduction to Unity founder Charles Fillmore's twelve-power theory and demonstrates how to activate each of those powers in your own life. Click here for print version.

  2. The Twelve Powers - e-Book

    Books & Products

    This book offers two Unity favorites in one volume: Charles Fillmore's The Twelve Powers of Man is a metaphysical look at twelve expressions of the divine inherent in each of us. In Christ Enthroned in Man, Cora Fillmore helps the reader put the Twelve Powers to practical use. Click here for print version.

  3. The Twelve Powers

    Books & Products

    This book offers two Unity favorites in one volume: Charles Fillmore's The Twelve Powers of Man is a metaphysical look

  4. Power Up: The Twelve Powers Revisited

    Books & Products

    At last! A book that brings the Twelve Powers to life! Use this easy-to-understand guide, filled with powerful tools and

  5. Twelve Powers

    All the faculties of my mind are united in the Christ consciousness.
    Daily Word Messages

    "These twelve apostles are the twelve thought agents in man and they preside over and direct the work of the

  6. PowerUp

    Books & Products

    This amazing book provides powerful, well-articulated principles as well as practical actions and exercises designed to help you bring order to your life, discover the true you, pray with powerful results, create the life you desire, and maintain your passion and power.

  7. 12 Powers

    Bible Interpretations

    Comment:12 Powers in the Old TestamentMetaphysically, the number twelve always represents a state of spiritual completion. This is as true

  8. Revelation 22:1-2 "Then the angel showed me the river of life, bright as crystal..."

    Bible Interpretations

    "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of

  9. Twelve Powers Audio Meditations from Unity

    Articles & Media

    Charles Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, defined the 12 powers as attributes that he believed formed the basis of our Christ

  10. Unstoppable

    I am divine energy, and I am unstoppable.
    Daily Word Messages

    I have hidden stores of power and energy deep within me. When I face an obstacle, I reach inward to

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